
We seek to educate Mayatima (a yatima is a child in a single-parent family, a child with no parents at all, or one who lives with an aunt, grandmother or neighbour due to desertion by one or both parents or for other reasons) by providing them with primary education through Sunshine Tuition Centre and staying with them as far as they can progress through Secondary and Further Education. 

By receiving disadvantaged children with no English language skills into Sunshine and taking them through primary education. We help them gain a higher standard of English than government schools can provide, which gives them a head start at Secondary School. We see that, whilst our students start with a social disadvantage at the Primary level, they gain an advantage with their English language training at the Secondary level. Government schools teach Primary education in Swahili and Secondary education in English. 


Beryl Ebbs, Sunshine School's first headteacher says:
'I was privileged at the start of helper to help set up a school for poor children.
What a joy to see happy smiling faces as they learned about Jesus’ love for them and having fun at school!'

Class4 classroomB