
helper is committed to promoting the security and well-being of those we help and our staff. In particular, we are committed to the safety, security and dignity of children, along with the adults who are vulnerable and/or at risk.

We ensure that staff and student behaviour promotes and allows children and vulnerable adults to come and go without:

  • harm and abuse - including physical, sexual, including sexual harassment, emotional and psychological.
  • all forms of coercion
  • all forms of exploitation
  • all forms of neglect
  • human trafficking

helper staff are required to understand the importance of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults/adults at risk by:
  • upholding the dignity and respect of children and vulnerable adults/adults at risk.
  • ensuring a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults/adults at risk.
  • responding quickly and appropriately to concerns raised.
Our policy document is available by request.