Mission and Vision

hope    educate    love    prepare    empower    release

To help build the kingdom of heaven by:

  • laying down the principles of Christian living (see what we believe here)
  • assisting the elderly and sick to get the medical care they need.
  • educating and making healing available.
  • to raise up righteous young people who will become builders of the Kingdom of Heaven and their nation. 
  • to relieve suffering, primarily through assisting the sick to obtain medical services.

Foundational Scriptures

'Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to lose the chains of injustice
and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
and break every yoke.'
Isaiah 58:6

'Defend the weak and fatherless:
uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
Rescue the weak and needy:
deliver them from the hand of the wicked'
Psalm 82:3-4

'Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.'
'Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the Kingdom He promised those who love Him?'
James 2:5

Mission Strategy

  • To educate mayatima (a yatima is a child in a single-parent family, a child with no parents at all, or one who lives with an aunt, grandmother or neighbour due to desertion by one or both parents or for other reasons) by providing them with primary education through Sunshine Tuition Centre and staying with them as far as they are able to progress through Secondary and Further Education.
  • To give Mayatima a secure basis for a life they can succeed in so they can make good life choices, lift themselves out of the cycle of poverty and take care of their parent(s), grandparents and guardians as they get older while at the same time being able to offer a life to their own family that will have a hope and a future.
  • To help mayatima become attractive examples to younger children that they too might embark on a Christ-empowered journey.
  • To relieve suffering by assisting those needing essential medical services or family support.

How We Do This

  • By receiving disadvantaged children with no English language skills into Sunshine and taking them through primary education. We help them gain a higher standard of English than government schools can provide, which gives them a head start at Secondary School. We see that, whilst our students start out with a social disadvantage at the Primary level, they gain an advantage with their English language training at the Secondary level. Government schools teach Primary education in Swahili and Secondary education in English.
  • By training staff to understand the privilege of being entrusted with the task of helping children to grow in the understanding of the Christian faith, using prayer and bible study and at the same time developing their own English skills.
  • By supporting the sick and infirm to get the medical services they require.  In extreme cases, we can provide emergency accommodation.

For the Future

We hope to continue to bring into Sunshine post 'O' Level students whom we have supported as assistant staff. Once they gain one or two years of experience, we send them to a teacher training college initially for a 1 Year Certificate and hopefully leading to a Diploma. Time spent as assistants enables the young people to grow in faith and improve their English. We have found that this leads to higher performance levels at the training college.

We hope to continue our one-class entry pre-school to give the children a better start to Sunshine.  We need funds and staff for this.

For the vision to continue, we need the trustees to increasingly take on responsibility for the organisation.