Elisia Jackson 


"I am Elisia Jackson, a Sunshine headteacher and trustee of Helper Tanzania. My journey began when I sought educational assistance from Helper in 2007. Since the passing of my father at the age of three, I resided with my mother. Life at home was challenging due to our impoverished circumstances. My mother, a farmworker, tirelessly toiled to provide for me and my three brothers and one sister, ensuring our basic needs were met and covering my primary education expenses.

In 2005, I completed my primary education and was accepted into secondary school in 2006. Unfortunately, my relatives were unable to provide financial support. Fortunately, a caring primary teacher recognized my academic potential and recommended me to the district commissioner for educational assistance. As a result, the district selected orphans from underprivileged families, including myself, to receive government sponsorship for secondary education.

I commenced my secondary education in 2006 with government sponsorship. However, in 2007, the sponsorship was abruptly terminated, casting a shadow over my educational aspirations. I faced the daunting prospect of abandoning my studies and returning home.

Fortunately, my uncle intervened upon hearing of my predicament. He actively sought support in Kigoma town, eventually connecting with Helper. Helper graciously agreed to sponsor my education, enabling me to continue my studies from 2007 through to university graduation in 2017. I earned a Bachelor of Education degree with honours, a testament to the transformative power of Helper's support.

Helper has not only instilled in me hope but has also nurtured my spiritual growth, guiding me towards a life of faith and integrity. I vividly recall Andy's inspiring words, "The frog is in the bowl, and development is outside the bowl. To achieve development, you must climb out of the bowl." This profound analogy has shaped my outlook, empowering me to strive for personal growth and to extend a helping hand to those still striving to reach their full potential.

I am eternally grateful to Helper for their unwavering support and for illuminating the path to my success. May God bless all who have contributed to Helper's mission of empowering individuals and alleviating poverty. I am confident that God recognizes and rewards their selfless acts of compassion."