Hope  Educate  Love  Prepare  Empower  Release

Raising and preparing a generation of Tanzanians to escape poverty and live as lights of Christ in the world.

In the last year

Pupils attending the
Sunshine School
Children supported at Primary,
Secondary and High Schools
Patients referred to local
clinics and chemists
Sponsored operations at
local hospitals

Real-life stories



‘I always appreciate and remember this time (at Sunshine) because even myself I was like these youngs...’

I am pleased to announce that having been offered places at 4 universities on August 28th, Ishimwe has accepted a place at The Institute of Accountancy in Arusha and God willing will end up with a Bachelor’s Degree. Glory to God.

Ishimwe love The Lord and it has been fun being in touch with her on WhatsApp during this process (Andy).


I’m Rose Ahmadi aged 25, an orphan without all parents and was looked after with my aunt.

I stayed 23 years without any job, but I thank God I managed to get a job at helper of being a matron to 7 Form Four (‘O’ Level) students who were preparing for their exams and when results came, all passed their exams.


I’m Elisia Jackson aged 31 now. I lived on the next compound to Andy, the very close friend who took care of me for 5 yrs.

I enjoyed every moment I spent with my friend who was like a father to me. We sang songs of worship, read scriptures and prayed together without forgetting time of laughter and eating chocolates while receiving words of wisdom from my friend.

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